Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

 Just because you think that you have good manners and are a good person in general does not give you a free pass to correct everyone else around you. You should be mindful of what you say to other people, whether or it is online or in person. Constantly correcting everyone around you can make you come off as annoying and tiresome. If you see someone making a mistake it comes down to several factors, which can help you decide on how to react to the situation. 

If the mistake is potentially dangerous then I feel like it is okay to let the other person know about the consequences their actions can lead to. 

If the mistake is harmless then it is okay just to ignore it and move on with your life. Live and let live, right?

I see a lot of this in online gaming, especially in games that are team oriented. What I found out was that people are very quick to lash out at other players if they see them making the tiniest of mistakes. I think that a part of this is caused due to the fact that everyone feels they are anonymous in the internet and none of their actions can have direct consequences that come back to them. I honestly do not understand, how someone could get so emotional about a video game that would cause them to lash out at their teammates. I feel like if they are that invested in the game that they have emotional reactions to it then they should be the ones who show leadership.

I actually found a couple of my friends from video games. One of them I found like 6-7 years ago, when I was playing League of Legends and I was having a terrible game. One of my teammates instead of getting mad, started making jokes and trying to keep the morale of the team up even though we were clearly losing the game. I remember thinking that it was the most fun I have had, while playing that game in a couple of months, so I decided to add him and we exchanged our Skype contacts and started playing games together and we still do occasionally play games together to this day. So, the moral of the story is that by being forgiving of other people's mistakes and actually trying to support them instead of being toxic may lead to great unexpected friendships.


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