
Showing posts from March, 2021

IT professionalism in Estonia

Todays topic is going to be about IT professionals in Estonia. As of now I am not yet a qualified IT professional, but I hope to be one day. In the past I had no clue as to what the actual job of an IT professional is so I had to ask around and here is what I learned. I was told that if you want to work in IT you better get good at math, you better learn to be patient and you better be ready to work really hard for it. So that is exactly what I did and it seemed to work for me as I am now in the track of pursuing a career in the field of IT. I think that the journey does not have to be that hard or complicated any more. Because we are starting to give kids some basic IT training even from kindergarten. There are toys that are filled with electronics and that can help steer kids in the direction of IT should they have an interest in it.  I also feel like there are some people that do not care for the fast moving pace of technology. For example, there are still plenty of people out t...

Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

 Just because you think that you have good manners and are a good person in general does not give you a free pass to correct everyone else around you. You should be mindful of what you say to other people, whether or it is online or in person. Constantly correcting everyone around you can make you come off as annoying and tiresome. If you see someone making a mistake it comes down to several factors, which can help you decide on how to react to the situation.  If the mistake is potentially dangerous then I feel like it is okay to let the other person know about the consequences their actions can lead to.  If the mistake is harmless then it is okay just to ignore it and move on with your life. Live and let live, right? I see a lot of this in online gaming, especially in games that are team oriented. What I found out was that people are very quick to lash out at other players if they see them making the tiniest of mistakes. I think that a part of this is caused due to the f...

A constructive proposal for copyright reform

 In the end of the second chapter there is a statement: "Copyright needs to be reformed urgently" and I could not agree more. I've been following a couple of famous YouTubers over the past few years and the topic of copyright laws comes up very often. I've understood from those YouTubers that if your uploaded video contains a copyrighted video or sometimes even a small sound clip then they can force copyright laws on your video and take the entire revenue of the video, even if the copyrighted clip was only a small fraction of the entire video. To me that sounds like stealing in broad daylight and there is nothing you can do about it. You can of course report the issue to YouTube directly, but with the amount of daily videos that are being uploaded to the site you may never get an answer.  In the book they bring out several proposals to help solve the current copyright issues: Moral rights unchanged "Give credit where credit is due" basically sums up the enti...