To encrypt or not to encypt

Encryption is a fundamental part of our everyday lives, yet it usually goes unnoticed by users, because everything is happening in the back-end. It has been used throughout history to secure communication between people.

One of the earliest forms of encryption was used back in 100BC by Julius Ceasar and that, which you have probably guessed already, was the Ceasar Cipher. It worked by shifting the letters of the alphabet by a certain factor. In current times we have much more safer ways of encrypting our messages, however the principle of encryption has stayed the same - to make readable text unreadable.

One of the simplest, but yet still very useful technology from the past was the hourglass. It was used to measure a set amount of time. However it went obsolete when humanity discovered electricity and began manufacturing clocks. Clocks provided us a much more accurate way of telling the time.  




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